How to increase followers on Facebook for Free. (2023)

Here we are going to see a legal and very easy method to increase Facebook followers. You will get Friend requests from multiple Facebook profiles from all over the world, especially from the United States. Cities like San Diego, San Francisco, Texas & California, etc.

This is the best way to get a friend request on Facebook and then you have to not accept these requests take them as pending friends request and they will become your follower after that your follower’s counts will increase.

Now let’s come to the point.

Here are a few settings you have to apply to your Facebook account before applying this method.

Make sure all the privacy is public, privacy as who can send you a friend request and who can follow you, it must be public, and who can see your post too should be public. Don’t worry about your privacy you can change this after increasing the followers & these followers will stay remain in your account forever.How to increase followers on Facebook for Free. (2022)

Follow the below steps to get free Facebook followers.

  • You have to log in to your Facebook account in your browser chrome is recommended.
  • In the second step, you have to open a new tap to keep Facebook open in the previous tab.
  • Go to this site.
  • You have to Create the token by providing the username and password of your Facebook account. (Don’t worry about the privacy you can change the password post the result).
  • Click on the “Get token” You will get a text in the below box which will start with a session. You have to select this code/text then copy it. Now you paste this text on the first page where you press the button of creating the token.
  • After pasting the text to submit it then you’ll see the “Auto request button” You have to press this button to get the free followers on your Facebook account free.

Tip: Don’t forget to change your privacy and your username /password as well. For your security ill suggest you check connected apps in your account, if there is any unauthorized app found connected then remove it.

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