How to learn digital marketing Online for free | step by step guide |

  • Can I learn digital marketing with self-training?
  • What are the steps to learn Online marketing for free?
  • How can I earn after learning Internet marketing?
  • Can I learn Digital marketing without doing any course?
Dear readers, you have landed on a perfect blog if the above-mentioned questions are roaming in your mind because we are going to solve all of these queries here. Before starting let me clarify this is not a course so either if you can’t or just don’t want to spend thousands on institutes, you don’t need to worry about it.
This will be the self-practice that is gonna make you a digital marketer. So yes, You can learn digital marketing with self-training and to help you I am going to guide step by step on How you can learn online marketing from your smartphone or PC sitting in your house without worrying about the fee & all.

Earning from self-learning – how to learn digital marketing for free

Since many of us are still staying at home especially the college students and others so this can be a great opportunity to boost your productivity with little self-learning and convert it into your earnings after you learn how to run campaigns and do online marketing, you will be able to do freelancing, can take projects or work for clients with brands for a source of good income.

What is digital marketing: search on google, read top articles & understand internet marketing and its strategies.

you will search what is digital marketing on google you will have thousands of results on the google page but read the top 8 or 10 or more until you understand this term and the digital marketing strategies if you get any doubts reading it you can just note it down and you will see that doubts will get resolve in other next steps.

learn digital marketing online for free

Now apply for google’s free digital marketing course.

Google offers to get certified in digital marketing by Google itself which already has a huge reputation. Companies prefer Google-certified digital marketers with high-paying jobs. 
This course of learning digital marketing online for free by google will give you the overall knowledge of all the topics, tips, and tricks of Internet marketing. Incase if you apply for certification and fail in the first attempt You can apply for it later when you will have more knowledge about online marketing and for this lets jump on the next step of how to learn digital marketing online for free. 
Free digital marketing course

Explore all topics & terms that you will learn on goggle’s free digital marketing course

You will need to start doing deep research about all the topics on the internet that you learned in google’s free course and also know about the new terms that you heard in the definitions.
Now you are on the peak step to learn digital marketing for free online. 

Research more and more

There are so many professional digital marketers(Niel panel, Ankur Aggarwal, Jay Baer, and more), marketing trainers, who provide free tutorials, There are Digital marketing channels on youtube watch their youtube tutorials videos, read their blogs explore as much as you can. Youtube tutorials are one of the best sources to understand a particular topic in order to study digital marketing online for free.
learn digital marketing free

Create your own website and page/channel to implement all strategies

Now you will know all the digital marketing tips, tricks & strategies after you will complete steps 3 and 4 so you need to implement it on your own site and work on it until you get the results. You can make new strategies and try to apply that too Since you are implementing things so you will accomplish learning digital marketing online for free. 

Work for others, reach more clients, Or promote your site and monetize it.

Now you will be ready to earn a good income being a digital marketing expert so here you will have the choice either to reach more clients take projects and work for them or you can promote your site and monetize it.

Digital marketing is a vast and active field where rules and algorithms update accordingly and almost every year so you need to be updated with every new tip and trick and keep experimenting with new strategies.

This was all about how to learn digital marketing online for free a step-by-step guide I hope you found it helpful if in case you still have any queries feel free to connect with us you can comment down we will surely reach you.

Thank you

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